Wednesday, July 23, 2008

If you have been following the blog you should be somewhat up to date
through the end of camp. On Monday the kids started going home in groups
based on which region they were from. The first group actually left late
Sunday night and the last on Monday night at 11:00 to catch a midnight
train to Lviv in far Western Ukraine. Lots of final hugs, goodbyes, and
waves and camp officially ended. A sad but satisfying time as many lives
were changed, both children and adults. The counselors who were
entrusted with the children most of the day, the interpreters, the camp
staff, and the international team all combined to be a great team that
had as its main purpose to show the love of Christ to hurting and needy
As the children left the international team turned into a work team as
they started to ready the camp for Camp 4. Some cleaned buildings,
washed and ironed sheets, organized the craft room, and the biggest
project of finishing the flooring and final touches in Building 4. We
laid vinyl in the entire building, installed base molding in all rooms,
put up curtain rods, and did final cleaning of windows, walls, floors
and trim. All in all a team effort that was done by late Tuesday.
Wednesday we went to two villages in the morning to distribute
humanitarian aid such as clothing, walkers, and wheelchairs. The people
were so appreciative, with some crying they were so happy to receive
these things. The Global Action staff at Hope Center does this as an
ongoing ministry and forms a bond with the people and can minister to
them spiritually as time goes on.
This afternoon we are going to a fortress here in Kerch as an
excursion. It was a military defense facility that guarded the Strait of
Kerch during wartime. Then tomorrow we leave for Simferopol to fly to
Frankfurt where we will stay overnight. Friday we fly home to decompress
and readjust to life in the U.S. Please pray for out final days here and
thank you for all your support, it means so much to know you are holding
us up in prayer.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Our Abba Father is always at work. We joined the Father in His work at the Kerch, Ukraine Hope Center summer camp. Today was our last camp day before children started going home. It was filled with fun things and emotions.

We completed the lessons on the Fruit of the Spirit during morning the Bible lesson. The weather was beautiful so we went to the sea. Children had fun in the water as well as children made sand sculptures. One team made beautiful sand replica of the Hope Center facility that included the cross and some greenery.

During the 10 days camp, children from 6 to 16 were made to feel special through Jesus' love flowing through the camp staff and the American team. During the closing ceremony children went to a microphone to share what they felt about things that happened at the camp while a bonfire crackled in the cool evening air. This was a an unexpected emotional time because the children's hearts poured out with thanksgiving to God and all the people that made this happen.

This camp was a moment in time where children could see people join together from across the ocean in love. Each camp is specially designed by our Creator to meet all of us at the perfect point in our walk. We were able to communicate Jesus' love through actions, deeds and warm hugs. We could not have asked Jesus for a more rewarding time to spend two weeks. We were here for such a time as this.

“Little children, let us not love in word or with tongue, but in deed and truth.” 1 John 3:18

The weather was great today.

The Bible lesson was the highlight of the day. Children went up to the stage to sit with the presenter while he talked about how Jesus loved the children. There were 90 plus children and adults on the steps of the stage listening and hugging each other while the lesson was being presented. What a beautiful imagery of how our Lord loves the children.

After the Bible lesson the children had a choice to go to the sea or staff at the camp to do crafts. About 2/3 of the children went to the sea where they had a great time in the sun. The children that stayed at the camp made beautiful beads trinkets.

After rest-time we had fun with the children playing a games and watching a moving. Bedtime stories were another time to share the love of our Savior. There was a lot of insightful questions asked by the children. They definitely have been absorbing the teachings and wanting to more about how to walk as a Christian. We shared with the children how to find scriptures and underline special verses in their Bibles. 8-11 year old boys wanted hugs as we walked in as well as before we left for the evening. This is the coolest!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Today was another day the Lord has made special for us. Though the day was sprinkled with scattered showers God's plan was not thwarted. Going to the sea was not an option so our day was filled with crafts and in between the showers we had outdoor activities.

In the evening, the international team presented the salvation message through a 15 minute wordless drama. There were children that made a confession of faith as well as many Wonderful thoughts were shared during the bedtime stories. One girl, after accepting Jesus as her Savior was asked how she now felt. Her response was “Woof.” What an awesome God we serve! Hugs were the beginning event in the ward 3 boys. They not only wanted “high fives” but wanted hugs on the way in and out.

The Bible lesson was again on the Fruit of the Spirit expounding on gentleness and goodness. The short drama utilized the good Samaritan story to not only do good those that need it, but also to do good to those who have done you wrong.

“Little children, let us not love in word or with tongue, but in deed and truth.” 1 John 3:18

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Rain surprised us by coming a day early on Thursday but that didn't bother Team Three here at Hope Center. We had activities planned and camp went on as well or better than usual. The morning was dry and we had our Bible lesson based on the fruit of the Spirit today focusing on Goodness and Gentleness. Then we went down to the sea for a time of fun and relationship building. As we were returning to Hope Center from the sea the rain broke and we just made it to the dining hall in time for another great meal. The cooks do such a tremendous job of preparing delicious food and always have a smile on their faces.

During the summer there are about 100 volunteers from Ukraine who come and give their time to make Hope Center work.

We are blessed to have David from Minnesota as a part of our team this year. He is an award winning photographer and is taking thousands of pictures and tons of video to chronicle a camp at Hope Center. As you might expect, he often has groups of kids hanging around him looking at what he has done and who he has captured. He is known to all the staff and many kids as "the father of Naomi".

"Happiness is sitting next to someone who loves you" could describe many of the children we are privileged to have here this week.

The highlight of the evening is always the bedtime stories and prayers. We see the children reading their Bibles during the day and then following along as we tell or read a story from the Bible at night. As we quiz them on the lesson of the day, they come up with answers that fit, and questions that show that they are thinking about what they have learned. The last thing we do before they go to sleep is pray together. As we leave their rooms, we may "high five" them but many will pull us back to them for a big hug.

Tune in tomorrow to see what exciting things will happen at Hope Center.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Falulous Day Five

You would think that Hope Center camp would start to get routine after a few days but you would be wrong about that.

Today started out with a great Bible lesson on self-control. Then after that everyone went down to the sea for a special water Olympics session. Kids were screaming with joy as the competitions involved everyone pulling for each other and working against each other.

In the afternoon, everyone spent their time getting ready for the Talent Program. As usual, the different Wards performed skits, the counselors had a side splitting act, the interpreters did a choreographed number , the International Team made fools of
themselves with a "chin choir", and other campers sang and danced special numbers. It was a huge success and everyone had a great time.

However, the best times of the day occur when opportunities arise to get a unsolicitied hug from a child that has been withdrawn until now or when you hear your name from across the camp and someone needs some love and attention.

Bedtime stories are a time to read extra Bible stories and relate them to the lesson of the day. It is amazing how well the kids remember the morning lessons, and how anxious they are to talk about them and pray at the end of the day.

Tomorrow is another great day coming up, and Friday may rain but we have things prepared if that happens. You'll just have to check back and see what happens.

Day four has passed and still there have been nothing but beautiful days here at Hope Center! Our day began with an inspirational Bible lesson on Peace, where Chris (along with some Ward 1 helpers) taught the children that they don't have to worry because God is taking care of them. Within the Bible lesson was an abundance of joyous singing done by the very talented campers!

Following the lesson, everyone headed down to the sea for a relaxing 2 hours of swimming. The sun was shining and the water was the perfect temperature yet again. The children had a blast swimming circles around the team members and squirting each other with squirt guns.

After lunch and nap time, it was time for the daily activity. The children played "Find the counselor", which is similar to the American game called "Sardines". One counselor hid beneath a parked car, acting like an auto-mechanic with only two legs sticking out from underneath! Needless to say, they were never found.

As dinner came to end, craft time began. Tonight the children got to make masks out of several different art supplies, create book marks for their Bibles, and make bracelets or earrings to take home. After craft time there was a HUGE mess to clean up... which means the children must have had fun.

Lastly, everyone was tucked into bed and read a few more stories from their Bibles. The children are starting to ask really great questions about God and prayer, which is so exciting for all the team members.

We thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers and can't wait to share more with you!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Day 3

Another exhilarating, exhausting, and rewarding day has come to an end at Hope Center. It is so encouraging to see some of the previously withdrawn kids warming up, making new friends and participating in group activities. These kids are so precious and their smiles and hugs melt our hearts.Some of today's activities included a creative Bible lesson on joy, a time of recreation and swimming in the brisk water of the Black Sea, and a great game of Biffer, which is too complicated to explain fully, but just imagine kids being chased by guys with painted faces who hit them with socks filled with flour. It's not as violent as it sounds and it's one of the kids favorite games. All participants were totally exhausted at the end of the game and the kids will likely sleep well tonight.
It is such a blessing to be here and share in the lives of these kids. This is the first time some of them have had warm showers and a bed to sleep on. But, more importantly, it is the first time that they have heard about the love of Jesus and have seen it fleshed out through the lives of the people working with them here at Hope Center.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Day 2!

Day two has come and gone already, leaving us many memories to cherish forever! After breakfast, our day started with the first Bible lesson of the week. The children learned about The Creation Story and were introduced to The Fruit of the Spirit (Galations 5:22-23). The children learned about how God knows and created all of them, and even got to meet God, thanks to our very own Bob Baker (who dressed up in a sheet and golden crown of pipe cleaners, playing God).
After the Bible lesson the children headed down to the Sea to play on the beach and go swimming.
Some children played catch with beach balls and built sand castles in the sand, while others enjoyed splashing all the team members in the water. The temperature was perfect and the sun was shining continuously, God blessed us with a beautiful day for swimming! After all the children dried off and headed back to camp, everyone got ready for lunch. Since it was Jenya's birthday, all the children and team members sang him Happy Birthday, and then the team members enjoyed cake later on in the day.
At 4:00 the daily activities started where the children have some time to explore different centers set up around the
camp. They could play Basketball, Table Tennis, play the Recorder, get their hair and nails done, or make friendship bracelets. All the centers were popular, however, when Matt and Sergei put their hair in dozens of pony tails and then topped them off with feathers, it was probably the highlight of the afternoon.
After dinner the children partook in craft time, where they decorated bags that they would get to keep all their things
in and take home with them. Several of the children asked the team members to sign their bags as a keepsake. After the craft, the Bible Ceremony was held, where all the children where given their very own Bibles. It was an emotional moment seeing children get so excited to learn about the word of God. Lastly, the children were tucked safely into bed and read stories from their new Bibles. Day two was an eventful and blessed day by the grace of God, and we hope to have just as good of a day tomorrow!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Test Blog

The first day of Camp Three at Hope Center Ukraine is officially over and it was a great start. The International Team arrived late Thursday night and managed a good night’s sleep before using Friday to do last minute planning before the kids arrived today (Saturday).

As the 87 children arrived in buses and vans, the team members were ready with games, crafts, and activities for them to enjoy. Already there are great relationships being formed and smiles, high fives, and hugs dominate the time. We had an Opening Ceremony after supper with the children introducing their wards (dorm or cabin group) and the International team, translators, and interns all doing skits to introduce themselves and entertain the kids.

Then a craft was held and the kids made a nametag, and it was time to shower and tell the kids bedtime stories. This is one of the most important times of the day as the day is reviewed, bible stories are told, questions are asked, and the children are prayed with. Tomorrow starts the full days of camp and we are definitely ready. Pray for us that the kids will see the Love of Christ in everything we do and say.

Yesterday, several of us went to a village to pick up 3 kids from two different families. It was very emotional to see the conditions that some of the kids come from. Two sisters, 7 and 9, were able to come to Hope Center after some negotiations with their abusive parents. When they arrived at the camp, they had to be showered, heads shaved and treated, and new clothes given to them. The girls were actually afraid of the hot water because they had never experienced that before. They had not worn shoes for a long time and had dirty and ragged clothes. Today they woke up clean and fresh to a beautiful day at Hope Center with brand new clothes and a new outlook on life. Pray for them and all the children that God will meet them and their special needs this week.